- The license is given for 3 months
- License for 1 PC
- Access to “Core GTO pack”
- Create custom trainings with SPF or Pio
- The license is given for 6 months
- License for 1 PC
- Access to “Core GTO pack”
- Create custom trainings with SPF or Pio
- The license is given for 1 year
- License for 1 PC
- Access to “Core GTO pack”
- Create custom trainings with SPF or Pio
- Publication date: 2019
(detailed description) - Author: Alex Sutherland
- License duration: 1 year
- Works without Pro License
Price: 79 USD per year
This pack contains presolved GTO drills and full postflop regular games generated from over 20,000 postflop GTO solutions. The pack includes 6-max cash, MTT and HUSNG/Spin-n-Go games and is all you need to start mastering GTO postflop play. Each training scenario includes solutions to all 1755 possible flops and the preflop ranges are based on high-end 184-flop preflop solutions from the SPF cloud preflop solver. At just $80/year, this is the single most comprehensive and cost effective way to learn GTO.
If you master this training pack you will be prepared to crush almost any NLHE game in the world.
- Publication date: 2019
(detailed description) - Author: Vea
- License duration: 1 year
- Works without Pro License
Game: MTT
Number of flops: over 43 000
Price: 119$ per year
The Pack includes a set of REGULAR training configurations for MTT by one of the most successful online tournament poker players, Vea. His career winnings are more than $7,500,000.
The pack includes all of the most common MTT situations and the solutions are calculated using the full subset of all possible flops. In total this pack contains over 43,000 flop solutions including:
- BB defense vs EP, MP, HJ, CO, BU at 20BB and 40BB stacks
- Single raised pots for EP vs CO BU, MP vs CO BU, HJ vs MP BU at 40BB stacks
- 3bet pots, and single raise pots for the following matchups: BU, CO vs EP, BU, CO vs HJ, MP at 50bb stacks. SB vs BU at 30BB and 30BB stacks
- SB vs BB limped and raised pots. Stacks are 20BB and 35+BB
- Publication date: 2019
(detailed description) - Author: Alex Sutherland
- License duration: 1 year
- Works without Pro License
Game: cash
Number of flops: over 17 500
Games (regular + drills): 10 + 20
Price: 69$ per year
This pack was created by game theory specialist, Alex Sutherland, and contains everything you need to perfect your 3-bet pot play in NL cash games. Most players have significant postflop leaks in 3-bet pots and because the pots are so large, there is no higher EV spot to practice than 3-bet pots.
This pack includes solutions and drills for CO vs BB, CO vs BTN, CO vs SB, SB vs BB, BTN vs BB, and BTN vs SB spots on every possible flop and contains multiple multiple solution files with different sized c-bets so that you can practice proper play against opponents who c-bet 1/3rd pot and opponents who c-bet 60% pot from out of position. The preflop ranges in this pack are smoothed ranges from a combination of SPH multiway calculations, SPF HU calculations, and population analysis of mid-stakes regulars.
- Publication date: 2019
(detailed description) - Author: Tema2010
- License duration: 1 year
- Works without Pro License
Number of flops: over 2000
Games (regular): 11
Price: 59$ per year
The pack includes a set of REGULAR training configurations for Spin&Go. Is is designed by one of the best Spin&Go coaches, Tema2010.
The pack includes all of the most common Spin&Go situations, ranges and bet-sizing as close as possible to gaming reality. Solutions are calculated using the subset of 184 flops. In total this pack contains over 2000 flop solutions for 3-max and Heads-Up spots.
- Publication date: 2019
(detailed description) - Author: Antonio Miranda (GaliZianBoy) and Nuno Álvarez (CheckRais3r)
- License duration: 1 year
- Works without Pro License
Game: HUNL
Number of flops: over 4800
Games (regular): 5
Price: 69$ year
This pack includes a set of REGULAR training configurations designed by Run It Once essential instructor Antonio Miranda (GaliZianBoy) and Run It Once elite coach Nuno Álvarez (CheckRais3r). It is targeted at people that wants to improve their main HUNL strategy.
The simulation parameters have been chosen by testing a lot of different sizings on every scenario and they are a great simplification of a more complex strategy without losing much EV in the process.This package includes pretty much every single situation for postflop HUNL. In total it contains 4812 flops which represent almost the entire postflop game tree
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- Publication date: 2019
(detailed description) - Author: Vea
- License duration: 1 year
- Works without Pro License
Game: MTT
Number of flops: over 56 000
Configurations: 32 REGULAR
Price: 149$ year
GTO MTT Pack was created by professional MTT player Vea using ranges from solutions obtained as a result of long work in Simple Preflop Holdem.
This training pack includes essential MTT spots. Training spots from the pack will let you to get an idea about optimal strategies both preflop and postflop. This will help you to notice spots in which opponents significantly deviate from the optimal game play and exploit it.
- Publication date: 2020
(detailed description) - Author: Alex Sutherland
- License duration: 1 year
- Works without Pro License
Game: NL Cash
Flops calculated: over 21000
Price: 99$ year
Regular: 12
Drills: 34
This pack was created by game theory specialist, Alex Sutherland and contains everything you need to perfect your single raised pot play in NL cash games.
Single raised pots are the most common postflop situation in NLHE and mastering your flop c-betting, c-bet defense, and turn/river play will have a large and immediate impact on your winrate. This pack includes solutions and drills for UTG/MP/CO/BTN vs BB, UTG/MP/CO vs BTN, and SB vs BB with multiple preflop raise sizings on every possible flop.
The preflop ranges in this pack are smoothed ranges from a combination of Simple Preflop Holdem multiway calculations, Simple Postflop HU calculations,and population analysis of mid-stakes regulars.
- Publication date: 2020
(detailed description) - Author: Jayser1337
- License duration: 1 year
- Works without Pro License
Game: NL Cash
Flops calculated: over 2000
Price: 79$ year
Regular: 11
This pack was created by professional regular cash player, Jayser1337, and contains everything you need to perfect your SB vs BB in NL cash games.
SB vs BB pots are one of the most common and important postflop situation in NLHE. This pack includes regular trainings for every possible spot in 100BB and 40BB depths on 184 different flops.
- Publication date: 2021
(detailed description) - Author: Innerpsy
- License duration: 1 year
- Works without Pro License
Game: 6-Max Cash
Number of flops: Over 63,000
Price: 169$ year
This pack was created by professional poker player, Mikhail “Innerpsy” Shalamov, and contains everything you need to perfect your postflop play in 6-max NL 100BB Cash Games. The preflop ranges in this pack were solved in Simple Preflop Holdem multiway calculations (rake 5%, rake CAP 2 BB).
- Publication date: 2021
(detailed description) - Author: Vea
- License duration: 1 year
- Works without Pro License
Game: MTT
Number of flops: Over 7,000
Configurations: 40 REGULAR
Price: 159$ year
This training pack is a powerful tool for working on the game outside the poker tables. With its help, you can quickly improve your postflop skill in most of the MTT spots. According to the author, in terms of the ratio of the invested time to the result obtained, there are no even close instruments at the moment. When creating the trees, Vea relied on the solutions of GTO solvers, his experience and analysis of the base of hands of MTT regs included top100 players of pocket5.
- Publication date: 2021
(detailed description) - Author: Snaka
- License duration: 1 year
- Works without Pro License
Game: HU NLH Cash
Number of flops: Over 8700
Games (regular): 5
Price: 99$ year
The training pack contains solutions to play from SB and BB in 2-bet, 3-bet and 4-bet pots 100bb deep for all kinds of flops. The sizing spectrum is based on hundreds of thousands of hands against the high stakes top regulars.
- Publication date: 2021
(detailed description) - Author: GregXX
- License duration: 1 year
- Works without Pro License
Game: MTT
Number of flops: Over 11,000
Configurations: 61 REGULAR
Price: 139$ year
The pack includes trainings for the widest possible range of situations and stack sizes that are most common in MTT. Game trees use simplified flop sizing, which makes the learning process easier, faster and more comfortable. This pack is designed on the basis of chipEV models and is intended primarily for training, be careful and do not forget to take into account the influence of ICM when playing in real tournaments.
Developed by a long-time player and coach of the 1st league in FunFarm school, GregXX.
- Publication date: 2021
(detailed description) - Author: Dyrdom1 & Winged_Guy
- License duration: 1 year
- Works without Pro License
Games: 6-Max and 9-Max Cash
Number of flops: Over 3,000
Configurations: 35 REGULAR TRAINING and 55 DRILLs
Price: 99$ per year
3bet-pot SB vs Free_position (especially SB vs BU) is the closest spot to ideal GTO on any given limit. Thus If you play nl50 and try to discover Solvers, this pack is a great starting point since it does make sense to begin with a spot where GTO-concepts are implemented the most in real games. At the same time if you play nl200 this pack would help you bring your skills to perfection through a number of drills and regular trainings. Moreover, this pack includes spots where RFI-range is 12%, so it fits 9max players as well as 6max.
You’ll find a detailed breakdown of spots based on position (SB vs EP_9max, SB vs MP, SB vs HJ, SB vs CO, SB vs BU), cbet size (33%, 50%, 66%, 99%) and board texture (high, mid, low). These spots combine for 35 regular trainings (you play entire hand) as well as 55 drill trainings (you only play one of three main situations: SB c-bet, SB play after missed flop c-bet, IP player facing c-bet).
This pack was created by dyrdom1 (professional SH and FR cash player at nl1000/nl500, coach) and Winged_Guy, (professional SH and FR cash player at nl500/nl200, coach).
Preflop ranges have been solved in Simple Preflop Holdem with locked RFI-ranges (EP_9max – 12%; MP – 17%; HJ – 20%; CO – 27%; BU – 44%) with 4,5% rake and 0,3bb CAP (same as PokerStars nl1000). Among all calculations we’ve made this one resembles real ranges the most.
- Publication date: 2021
(detailed description) - Author: shakeitbaby
- License duration: 1 year
- Works without Pro License
Game: NL Cash
Flops calculated: over >2200
Price: 69$ per year
Regular: 12
This training pack was created by “shakeitbaby” – professional 6-max and fullring cash game player of the NL100-NL200 limits. In the pack you can improve the most valueble spots in poker – in single-raise pots in free positions against the caller on the big blind and defend optimally on the big blind. These are the most productive training for incorporating overbets into your game that are still underutilized in the current meta at low and mid stakes.
These are the most productive training for incorporating overbets into your game that are still underutilized in the current meta at low and mid stakes. Exercises for defense on the big blind can use training against opponents who use overbets, as well as against players who use standard sizing without overbetting.
Preflop ranges are calculated preflop solver for NL100 Pokerstars games with 5% rake and 2.5bb cap.
Simple GTO Trainer – allows you to train on real poker hands and selected spots in real time, checking actions for compliance with GTO strategies. This approach allows you to quickly identify and eliminate your mistakes in the game, will raise your game to a new level. There is no more convenient way to learn GTO strategies.
Simple GTO Trainer includes a wide range of training spots. You can also upload your GTO solutions to create training sessions, both by GTO and by exploit. Thus, you will be able to systematically improve every action of your GTO game.
The program allows you to consistently work out specific actions, for example: cbet in a single raise pot, protection against cbet in a 3-bet pot, etc. The program also provides detailed analytics on your strategy: the scale of your actions, your game range.
Simple GTO Trainer automatically displays the result after each hand played. The program also collects data to form your range and after training will provide detailed analytics on your training session
Simple GTO Trainer is tightly integrated with the Simple Postflop engine, which in turn is the fastest and most functional engine for calculating GTO. You can import your Simple Postflop solutions, as well as use the SImple Postflop engine to calculate turns and rivers in real time in training. PioSOLVER Engine is also supported.
The program contains tables, various types of graphs, so that you can analyze your training sessions, track your progress in training and improve your game.
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